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Galerie Vidéo :
Nous avons travaillé sur plus de
au cours des 7 dernières années.
21 années
25 films
$5 millards+
au box office
Avec Karlab, vous apprécierez à nouveau
de travailler avec des personnages 3d !
Consultants sur...
Consultants sur...
Consultants sur...
consultant : Ali Hamdan client : Illumination Mac Guff - pipeline tools for character workflow media : CG animated movie release : 2020 country : USA
consultant : Laurent Guittard client : Dwarf Animation - Supervision of the Face Shapes Team - Team of 6 artist media : TV show release : 2020 country : France
consultant : Laurent Guittard client : Mikros Animation - Supervision of the Mikros Modeling & Facial Team - Team of 8 artist - Around 120 characters media : CG animated movie release : 12/2018 country : France
consultant : Laurent Guittard client : Mikros Animation - Supervision of the Mikros Modeling & Facial Team - Team of 11 artists - Around 140 characters - Team's recrutment - Workflow & Facial Rig Set-up media : CG animated movie release : 03/2018 country : USA
consultant : Ali Hamdan client : Illumination Mac Guff - pipeline tools for character workflow media : CG animated movie release : 2019 country : USA
consultant : Ali Hamdan client : Illumination Mac Guff - pipeline tools for character workflow media : CG animated movie release : 12/2018 country : USA
avant KARLAB
Les moments forts d'Ali & Laurent
studio : Illumination Mac Guff - Character Supervision : Coordination and development from modeling to character FX" - Modeling - Facial Shapes => For some main and secondary characters media : CG animated movie release : 10/2016 country : USA
studio : Illumination Mac Guff - Modeling - Facial => on secondary and tertiary characters - Pipeline tools media : CG animated movie release : 07/2016 country : France
studio : Illumination Mac Guff - Character Supervision : Coordination and development from modeling to character FX" - Modeling - Facial Shapes => on all the Minions => many other characters (T-Rex...) media : CG animated movie release : 07/2015 country : USA
studio : Illumination Mac guff - Tools creation and characters workflow development for multiple departments (character setup, character effects, hair/fur) - Modeling - Facial => on the Evil Elmacho & the Evil Minions media : CG animated movie release : 07/2013 country : USA
studio : Illumination Mac Guff - Characters FX pipeline dev and optimization - Scripts and tools development for Fur / Hair / Cloth dynamics media : CG animated movie release : 12/2010 country : USA
studio : Herold & Family - Supervision of Character modeling and Facial expressions - Supervision of Fur pipeline, shaving, grooming and Look development - modeling & facial shapes media : CG animated movie release : 08/2012 country : France
studio : Attitude Studio - Modeling - Facial shapes => main and secondary characters media : CG animated movie release : 06/2011 country : France
studio : Black Light Movies - Hair shaving, grooming and shading media : short movie release : 07/2010 country : France
studio : Nightshift CG supervisor for: - 4 commercials - 1 teaser for the web - 30 short animations for the website >> 5 minutes of animation - Team of 10 artists media : advertising release : 04/2010 country : France
studio : Delacave - Supervision of Character modeling and Facial expressions media : short movie release : 03/2010 country : France
studio : Herold & Family - Pipeline development - Fur creation, Look development and Facial expressions for the main character - Developping the Fur tools with the R&D department for integration with Inhome Hardware Renderer. media: CG animated movie release : 04/2009 country : France
studio : Attitude Studio - Character setup/skinning - Mel scripts media : CG animated movie release : 04/2005 country : France
studio : Duran Dubois - Sets modeling, mapping/surfacing - 3D layout on Maya, Photoshop and Lightwave media : Live movie release : 03/2004 country : France
projets de Karlab
projets de Karlab
projets de Karlab
Karlab's internal project Short movie in a SF universe: "On a dying planet, two lost warriors are fighting each other before joining their strengths to survive..." Small part of a big story...
Karlab's internal project Fan art of Clayton, character from the Disney movie "Tarzan".
Karlab's internal project - realistic study
Karlab's internal project - realistic study
Karlab's internal project Fan Art: - Caricature of Lee Van Cleef from the movie "The good, the bad & the ugly"
Karlab's internal project Fan Art: - realistic sculpt of the actor Bolo Yeung from the movie "Blood Sport"
Karlab's internal project - alien's study
Karlab's internal project Fan Art of Batman, from the comic book "Kingdom Come" from Alex Ross
Karlab's internal project - cartoon study
Karlab's internal project Fan Art: - realistic sculpt of Mike Tyson
Karlab's internal project - realistic study